Model United Nations (MUN)

Model United Nations, also known as Model UN or MUN, is an educational simulation in which students can learn about diplomacy, international relations, and the United Nations.

By equipping youth with mediation, analytical and leadership skills, while stressing cosmopolitan values and the interdependence of the modern world, we hope to foster future world leaders who will face global challenges with a spirit of international cooperation.

Getting started with MUN


LIMUN's conferences consist of simulations of United Nations organs and other fora of international affairs, challenging young people to take on the roles of world leaders. Participants assume the mantles of national ambassadors, simulating various organs, committees and specialised agencies while seeking to resolve outstanding issues on the international agenda, from human rights to breaches of the peace. Originally started as a Model League of Nations in 2021, this year marks the 100th anniversary of an activity that has shaped the lives of Presidents and Prime Ministers, United Nations Secretary-Generals, and global busines leaders. 

A delegate represents the views of a single Member State of the United Nations (or of another entity depending on the committee they are a part of), researching that country's policy and advocating their stance to other delegates. In this way, participants familiarise themselves with state policy, ideas and cultures different to their own. The debate is controlled by an experienced set of Chairpersons employing thorough rules of procedure. The objective is to reach consensus and pass a statement of the international community's response to a particular area of concern.

The Conference aims to build an understanding of global challenges and governance amid youth that crosses borders of culture and nationality. Using the knowledge, experiences, and relationships they form at LIMUN and through other Model United Nations events, it is hoped that the next generation of world leaders will be equipped to face global issues with the spirit of international cooperation. More generally, MUN encourages the development of skills essential to all fields of study and employment, such as strong leadership, innovative thinking and public speaking, negotiation, mediation and consensus-building, and the ability to rapidly form relationships with people of different backgrounds and cultures.