LIMUN is back for a 26th time!

Join us in-person

21st - 23rd February, 2025

The 26th Edition

The London International Model United Nations (LIMUN) University Conference is back for 2025! The 26th edition of LIMUN will take place in London from the 21st to the 23rd of February 2025. Attracting chairs, ambassadors, and delegates from all over the globe, LIMUN acts as a platform to promote cosmopolitan democracy and multilateralism.

In 2021, for the first time in its history, LIMUN could not hold the usual in-person conference known for its historic venues and engaging experience. LIMUN 2021 was successfully held in the online environment - a huge feat in itself. It provided Delegates and Chairs with one of the most immersive and global experiences of a pandemic-ridden academic year. Building upon the success of LIMUN 2022, 2023 and 2024 after its return to an in-person conference, the Secretariat of LIMUN 2025 is determined to replicate this success and maintain the magic of in-person MUN conferences. 

The Pursuit of Multilateralism: Fostering New Dialogues for Progress

As we enter an era of unprecedented uncertainty in global governance, the ambitious theme of the London International Model United Nations (LIMUN) University Conference 2025 is “The Pursuit of Multilateralism: Fostering New Dialogues for Progress”. Recent crises in an increasingly volatile world have highlighted the crucial need to restore multilateral engagement and mutuality. The ongoing transition to multipolarity, where power is not only more distributed among states but also among non-state actors, brings an array of overlapping challenges that nations must address. Some states have chosen to retract from global platforms of discussion to face the instability brought by this transition. However, what is truly needed is a setting for dialogue and building trust.

In light of the recent words of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres – “Multipolarity has created opportunities for balance and justice” – Member States must remember that trust is the currency that fuels multilateralism. As economic crises unfold, threats to international security reach unprecedented levels, and as human rights retreat, the United Nations’ institutions must set the scene for dialogues which endorse the interest of the people, rather than a privileged few.

At LIMUN UC 2025, we will ask you the following question: 

“How can we foster multilateralism in an era of international competition?”

It will be your responsibility to transform competition and turmoil into a mutually beneficial environment for the countries you represent. You will face the considerable challenge of collaborating with your fellow Delegates to lay down a foundation for trust and diplomacy that will last for decades. It is important that you take this opportunity to uphold the principles of the United Nations and create connections that go beyond the scope of borders and nationhood.
